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INFINITI M45 Audio Upgrades


   For most individuals music is a very person thing. There are hundreds of different genres ranging from Bach and Mozart to Alan Jackson and Fifty Cent. Even more personal than the style of music we enjoy is the method that we chose to reproduce it. For the majority of people a cars stereo system is a give and take proposition; the manufacturers give us what in essence is a system designed around components from the lowest bidder and we take it. For the most part these system, which the dealers charge and astronomical premium for, in most cases don't sound any better than a $100 Boom-box. Don't get me wrong, there are a few manufacturers who have gone out of their way to build-in exceptional sounding systems in their cars, however as stated before, music and its reproduction is a very personal thing, and these OEM system, no matter what the quality leave little if any room for modification, not to mention upgrade. Enter the 2003, 2004 Infiniti M45, an exceptional car in many ways, but the audio system like many mid-level luxury sedans leaves little for an audiophile to desire.

  The M45's base and only audio system (2003 and 2004 model years) was designed by famed audio research house and manufacture Bose. It is comprised of six speakers and a subwoofer. Like most when I read the spec sheets and saw that this car came with a 10-inch subwoofer I thought wow!! But my first audition soon lead to disappointment when I discovered the truth. This so-call premium stereo system, when put to the test with a variety of Contemporary Jazz, Pop and Classical music at low volumes sound pretty descent, but start cutting the volume up and its short comings became apparent. As a audiophile and audio hobbyist it didn't take me long to make the decision to upgrade, however the design of the factory system and integration of other electronics would prove to be a big challenge. As a former Car Audio Shop manager and installer, my first choice for installer was easy... myself. But the reality was that I had been out of the industry for almost 10 years and the electronic systems in the Infiniti were much more sophisticated than any cars I did installations in back in the day. Below I chronicle my efforts to get a world class, if not Reference system into my own "M", and hope this information proves not only entertaining, but useful to others out there, regardless of whether you drive an Infiniti or not.

UPDATED: May 2006

By now, Version 2.0 of the Audio system is completed, following some issues with a blown amplifier in the original system the replacement by the manufacturer of the equipment under warranty brought on the necessity to do a complete redo of the install.

See the original M45 Installation step-by-step here.

The first system in the Infiniti M45 audio system was 98% complete, however when the original Subwoofer amplififer blew, and the manufacturer sent me a different model replacement amp it was necessary to redesign the whole system. Find out what steps were taken during this upgrade.

Information on Version 2.0. Here.





This site last updated: January 21, 2006, 4:47 pm ET

© 2005 Jon Conley All rights reserved.